Friday, June 12, 2009

The Church Challenge

So, here's the deal. I am seriously missing faith-based interaction. It gets lonely not having a Church family to hang out with and grow with. I am looking for a church in Northern Phoenix, Arizona. I am obviously progressive (and by all accounts "emerging").

This is what I am looking for:
  1. A contemporary worship style - this does not mean only empty praise songs, but also old stand-bys juiced up in a variety of styles, as well as secular songs that speak to the message for that service.
  2. Variety in service (not always modifying a single template, i.e. insert sermon here, song here and viola!, but having genuinely different worship services from one time to the next).
  3. A group of people who are open and willing to question and to struggle despite diversity and because of it - this means that they are actually willing to have everyone from the Church Lady (despite her not having us) to the ex meth-addict metal vocalist.
  4. Public action - I know it's hard to make time for this, especially when you're young and a lot of people are struggling, BUT a little protest does a body good. So does some recycling or volunteering.
  5. Fun - I like to play. I like beer and wine. I like to go clubbing. I like to play games and ride on the back of my husband's Ninja 650R. It would be good to be a part of a church where it's okay to do all those things, in fact, let's do them TOGETHER.
I think you get the gist. I know it will be difficult to find exactly this, but that doesn't mean I can't shoot for the moon and end up among the stars! This will be an on-going search.

I will tell you now, if I can't find one, I will make one. I know things start small, and I'm totally open to meeting in a pub if necessary. Why not talk about God over billiards? Seems as reasonable as anything else.

The point is, if you know of a community like this, in Phoenix or in your neck of the woods, give a little shout out... because we're in this together (especially let me know if there is someone in North Phoenix because I would rather pool passion than strike out on my own).


  1. I hope you can find a place like this or at least a reasonable compromise

  2. Hi there-saw you posted a comment at Emerging Desert-thanks for dropping in :)

  3. Yeah, it looks like you guys are doing great things - it's just a little far for us to go. Best of luck!
