Thursday, December 4, 2014

Let It Shine

I have to help us all with remind myself and everyone:

The world is dark. There are many evils here, but there are twice as many beauties, wonders, and joys.

The smallest things give us delight: a flower, a good meal, a soft clean shirt, a laugh, a smile, a hug from a friend. We create beautiful things. We imagine true marvels. We give deeply of our spirits, changing everything we touch.

True the night is long in winter, but dawn comes. A new birth is around the corner. This is not the end of things. Do not be blinded by darkness. Do not miss the beauty and joy around you. Do not forget you are loved. Keep these things in your heart. Carry them in your thoughts.

Each one of us holds God's spark. Do not smother it. Hold it against the darkness, in concert with so many sparks. Let it be a great flame - a burning sun - casting rays across the world. Let your love, beauty, and joy fill that light. Let it shine.

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