Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Big Stucks (or Sticks)

For the next few vids I'm going to go over some troublesome areas for the Church. Some of them I don't know how I feel about, others I come down pretty strongly and clearly. Here's my early draft of a list in no particular order:
  1. Divorce
  2. Homosexuality
  3. Sex (before marriage, during, extramarital etc)
  4. Money (seriously)
  5. Who's got the Bible (right interpretation that is)?
  6. Abortion
  7. Sunday Christianity (rather than everyday)
  8. War
  9. Evangelism (We can write it, we just can't DO it...)
Hopefully we can get some good discussion going on these and we might be able to at least agree to disagree, which is more than can be said for the Church. I'll hold my breath and pull a quantum physics moment (if I expect it, it will happen, right?).

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