Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Let's Talk About Sex!

Big Stuck #3 - Sex and the Church

Monday, May 18, 2009

Big Stuck #2 - Homosexuality

Everyone's least favorite subject, and therefore all the more pressing!!!

Big Stuck #1 - Divorce

Sorry it took a while to get this up and running. We had some guests over the weekend (yay!) and I got an ear-infection. Needless to say, here it is:

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Big Stucks (or Sticks)

For the next few vids I'm going to go over some troublesome areas for the Church. Some of them I don't know how I feel about, others I come down pretty strongly and clearly. Here's my early draft of a list in no particular order:
  1. Divorce
  2. Homosexuality
  3. Sex (before marriage, during, extramarital etc)
  4. Money (seriously)
  5. Who's got the Bible (right interpretation that is)?
  6. Abortion
  7. Sunday Christianity (rather than everyday)
  8. War
  9. Evangelism (We can write it, we just can't DO it...)
Hopefully we can get some good discussion going on these and we might be able to at least agree to disagree, which is more than can be said for the Church. I'll hold my breath and pull a quantum physics moment (if I expect it, it will happen, right?).

The Church Fault

What's really wrong with the Church? I'll tell ya...

The Alpha Story

Monday, May 11, 2009

Alpha - The Beginning

This is a concerted effort to address the religious and non-religious of all types regarding the current state of faith and God. As a person of faith myself and an active scholar of religion, I can't sit idly by while I watch liberals, conservatives and everyone in between make a mockery of God and of the principles set out not only in Christian scripture but throughout various religious scriptures across time and space. I do not expect everyone to agree, and I do expect to offend quite a few with my beliefs and the ideas put forward here.

If you are offended, please don't comment in such a way as to name-call, point fingers or scapegoat. This is pointless, and frankly stupid. There will be no "nazi" calling here. Rather please comment intelligently and thoroughly and be open to other possibilities. If you aren't open we as the Church can't grow and move forward in our faith. If we don't grow and progress then we damn ourselves.

...So in the spirit of open dialogue and a provocative journey, let us begin.