Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Going Through the Motions is Good

In the last 10 years I've had more than a few moments of doubt. Each crisis of faith has been intense, difficult, and often downright painful.

In one particular crisis of faith, I remember that I started writing my godfather with questions. I was really struggling and I wanted to talk to someone other than my parents (who have, for the majority of my life, served as both my parents and pastors...which is more than a little awkward). My godfather told me something that has stuck with me.

Sometimes you just have to fake it til you make it.

In other words, everyone has doubts. Everyone has difficult times. Yet if you are disciplined and work through the struggle, the questions, and whatever thoughts and feelings running through your mind, then you'll come out the other side with a strong faith.

Faith requires discipline. It isn't easy. It isn't for the weak. It is for the strong. It is for the determined - the persistent. And yes, sometimes this means going through the motions without really feeling the faith. It's kind of like marriage.

Sometimes in marriage you want to strangle your partner. Sometimes you want to run away, or play the field. But here's the thing - you don't. You stick with it. You deal with whatever issues have come up and you keep going. And then when you come out the other side, your relationship is stronger than ever.

This is the way of things.

Unfortunately it's a path that is frequently forgotten and despised by society at large. But I'm here to say it's worth pursuing. It's worth going through the motions to maintain faith until it is restored - because trust me, it will be. I've been through this enough times to know. You won't regret your decision.

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